
The Mike Chalut Show Lands a Listener a Parking Ticket – But We Make Good!

The Mike Chalut made a bit of an oopsie on Easter Monday (April 6). There were something things were closed because of the holiday and some people were also lucky enough to have a day off.


However, parking enforcement here in the city wasn’t one of them.


We may have mention on the show that the “meter maids” here in the city had the day – when in fact they didn’t.


Amelia Parking Ticket

Amelia trusted in the Mike Chalut Show and preceded to park, as instructed, anywhere she liked. Well … the parking enforcement didn’t have the day off and Amelia got a parking ticket.



She contacted us last night via our Facebook page to inform us of the unfortunate mishap.  So like any responsible morning show and trust me The Mike Chalut Show is responsible – we called her to apologize and see if we could fix that ticket up for her!


She joined us on air this morning and we were able to give her the good news!