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It looks like JB’s trying to swoop in on Big Sean’s boo, Ariana Grande, and he does NOT like it.

Newly good-boy Justin Bieber isn’t making Big Sean very happy! Rumours have been going around speculating that Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber’s playful performances on stage may be a liiiiittle more than just friendly fun. It started after this video went around:


And theeeeennn…..

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In reality, any boyfriend would be mad if another dude was coming onto his woman like that. But in celebrity reality, Big Sean DIDN’T TWEET ANY OF THAT, and he’s not mad! If Justin and Ariana didn’t have chemistry on stage, it wouldn’t be entertaining!!! And it’s not like Bieb’s is looking for a lady right now anyways. Here’s what he told USA Today:


“Well, at this point in my life I’m so focused on myself that I’m not looking for a girlfriend, I’m just trying to make sure I’m 100 percent so I can add to the person I want to be with.”


So keep on keeping on JB and Ariana, we love it!




But for those of you who WANT the Justin Bieber / Big Sean feud to be TRUE click ~*~HERE~*~, and check out the hilarious tweets of people just like you.





(Photos via Tumblr, Twitter)