

The Mike Chalut Show Gets a Selfie Stick


Now if you had to guess which member of the Mike Chalut show would have picked up a selfie stick first who would it be? Mike? Helena? Big&Tall?


Personally, even my money would be on the man himself, Mike.




But no, Big&Tall –  the guy who writes all these blogs – is actually the selfie taking culprit! Who would of thought?


Now I had to endorse the help of the afternoon drive guy Tyler Jordan for a little help in wrapping a few things up here for this post but I thought we’d take an “usie” for old times’ sake.  You know how it is.




So as promised here is the video of Tuesday’s segment.



What do you think – after seeing how great the pictures turn out from this “narcissistic”  piece of pop culture – would you pick one up?