Cat cafe gif



Edmonton might soon be taking a page out of the book of Montreal and Vancouver and establish a cat café in the city. Toronto’s cat cafe attempt has kind of fizzled out … due to health code concerns.

Chanel Lethbridge, who’s actually a former humane society employee, says she wants to open a cat café with either a downtown or Whyte Avenue location to help bring the cats to the people.

Check out the blog post


selfie stick music festival


2 – Festival City is OK with Selfie Sticks


Summer is creeping up around the corner and I don’t know about you but damn, I can’t wait to get outside and enjoy what the YEG has to offer!


Now, a couple of major music festivals like Lollapalooza in Chicago and Coachella in California have banned the selfie stick, or as one called it the “narcisstick”. There are a few concerns that the stick might be used as a weapon but much more likely it’s just annoying and bothersome to some people


A couple of Edmonton’s festivals have been asked by METRO whether or not they’d be interested in banning the selfie stick. The Edmonton Folk Festival says it doesn’t have any plans to ban the stick. They tell METRO that their festival goers don’t really use the stick and that they don’t really see a need for the ban.

The Mike Chalut Show actually picked up selfie stick this week – check it out


school vending 2


3 – A Tax on Sugary Drinks? Chair of the Edmonton School Board Wants to Tax Your Soda 


Michael Janz, the chair of the Edmonton School Board, will ask his Trustees whether or not they agree with his proposal to get the province to put a tax on sugary drinks in Alberta.


Michael Janz sights few studies that suggest a tax on sugary drinks helps curb consumption and therefore helps with the overall health of children.


The proposed tax would be about 50 cents a litre … so about $1 for a bottle of pop.


UPDATE – The board kind of shut down the idea to tax sugary drinks but Janz hopes the conversation continues!




4 – You Can Now Serve Divorce on Facebook (If you Live in NYC)


Facebook is a pretty big part of most of your lives. We share everything with our friends on the book”: photos, pictures of what we’re eating, or any other highlight of day-to-day life. And now, if you live in New York, you can actually file your divorce papers in an instant message.


The court ruling, which went all the way to the state’s supreme court, has allowed  a women with a disappearing  baby daddy to file her divorce papers over the social media outlet – because well … she can’t get a hold on him any other way.


Now, the court ruling doesn’t go as far as to say that Facebook instant messaging is a preferred means to file your divorce papers – the ruling still prefers much more legal means of communication  like in person filing, etc.


I would be expecting Facebook to come out with any legal divorcee updates anytime soon.




5 – The Mike Chalut Show Lands a Listener a Parking Ticket – But We Make Good!


The Mike Chalut made a bit of an oopsie on Easter Monday (April 6). There were something things were closed because of the holiday and some people were also lucky enough to have a day off.


However, parking enforcement here in the city wasn’t one of them.


We may have mention on the show that the “meter maids” here in the city had the day – when in fact they didn’t.

Amelia Parking Ticket


Amelia trusted in the Mike Chalut Show and preceded to park, as instructed, anywhere she liked. Well … the parking enforcement didn’t have the day off and Amelia got a parking ticket.


She contacted us last night via our Facebook page to inform us of the unfortunate mishap.  So like any responsible morning show and trust me The Mike Chalut Show is responsible – we called her to apologize and see if we could fix that ticket up for her!


She joined us on air this morning and we were able to give her the good news!