
A facelift for Fido, and Botox for Buddy. That’s what’s happening over in South Korea….

Korea already has a rep for some extreme cosmetic surgeries on people. And now the newest trend is for your pups to get plastic surgery to make them look cuter!!!




They’re already cute enough!

Surgeries are available to remove stretch marks, make dogs’ eyes wider,


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ear trimming, and even to flatten their facial wrinkles with Botox!


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Animal rights activists must be beside themselves with rage!




This new practice is also common in the U.K, and some U.S. states, where owners are spending over $10,000 for their four-legged friends, to show off to their 2-legged friends!

And if you were wondering if this is even legal, the answer is…. probably. Korea’s animal rights DO have laws about surgery, but only for de-horning, docking and neutering.




The world continues to baffle us, day by day.




(Images via Holly Zade, Chosun)