
This guy had no idea who he was dealing with!!!

Daniel and Larry Lennox-Choate were out shopping in New York, minding their own business when a gay-bashing lunatic came up to them and began assaulting them with gay slurs. The assailant then threw a punch at Daniel’s face. What this bigoted lunatic didn’t know, was that Daniel and Larry were the first couple to get married at West Pointe Military Academy, an elite military school from which Daniel and Larry both graduated.
giphy (53)


On his Facebook page, Larry Lennox-Choate wrote:

“He left covered in his own blood with his tail between his legs after I handled the situation and tossed him in the street like the coward loser he is…We refuse to be victims and are thankful we can defend ourselves, but are saddened by the fact that idiots like this guy might not pick two guys who went through Plebe Boxing next time.”


We don’t support violence, but boy are we glad this guy got what he deserved. Hopefully this discourages homophobic lunatics in the future from doing anything like that. Come on people, it’s 2015!!




(Images via Giphy, Facebook)