This guy stopped a suicidal man on the brink of jumping to his death from a bridge with only 3 words….

How do you react when you spot a complete stranger sat on the edge of a bridge? I guess we all hope that we’ll never find ourselves in that situation. Working in London and being used to the fast-paced ignorance everybody seems to carry, I cannot imagine many people would even notice somebody sat on the edge of the bridge and I wonder if they’d approach them if they did spot it.

Well, Irish teenager, Jamie Harrington, ignored the keep-yourself-to-yourself nature that a lot of today’s society seems to have adopted and he was able to save a man’s life simply by asking these three words: “Are you okay?”

After stopping the jump, he then spent 45 minutes persuading the man to seek treatment in hospital, which he did. This story also has a truly happy ending, as the would-be jumper is now expecting a baby boy with his wife; whom they shall name after Jamie.


It’s people who take a little time out of their day to help others in this way that momentarily restore my faith in humanity. Jamie couldn’t possibly have known what would unfold when he approached this man but he didn’t walk on by and as a result, he saved a life that went on to create another.


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