
Your cat does not love you…

  • It’s not that bad though. Really they are just super independent creatures.

  • Grumpy Cat

  • These’s a new study that says while dogs see their owners as a secure and reliable source of protection, cats couldn’t care less!

  • We kind of already knew that, but here’s a different perspective..
    Before you go saying cats are heartless, think about this! Your cat is independent! If there is a fire, you only have to worry about saving yourself, and your kitty will do the same. You both gotta look out for number one!

  • Sure they won’t get as excited as a dog, and might not listen as well, but your feline friend can be exactly that! A friend who still wants to visit and hang out, but is 100% fine with you both having your own space.

  • After all, there is a big emphasis on ME in MEOW!

  • pallas-cat-manul-2__880

  • Read the new Cat Study at Mail Online!

  • – Mike and Helena xoxoxo
    #LoveYourGuts #TheMikeChalutShow