We all know one. That person whose every photo is curated to make it seem like all they do is hang out on private beaches with breaking waves or in rustic coffee shops with foamy lattes in hand.


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Socality Barbie, the coolest Barbie you’ll ever know, is a parody of those who make it seem like life is just a bowl of handmade artisinal cherry jam. The bespectacled doll already has 18,000 followers on Instagram, and that number is still rising.

“People were all taking the same pictures in the same places and using the same captions,” the anonymous creator of Socality Barbie told Wired. “I couldn’t tell any of their pictures apart so I thought, ‘What better way to make my point than with a mass-produced doll?’”

The VSCO filter-heavy photos are great on their own, but the captions they include are also hilarious, waxing poetic with vague truisms to seem so much hipper-than-thou

Read more http://www.mtv.com/news/2261448/socality-barbie/