Some people ride bikes or public transit when their licenses are suspended, but one battery-powered, Barbie Jeep-riding Texas State student is not allowing a DWI arrest stop her from getting around on her own four wheels

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Tara Monroe, an industrial engineering junior, said her license was automatically suspended after refusing a breathalyzer test after a Waka Flocka concert. Her father drove to San Marcos from Kingwood, her hometown, to strip her of her vehicle, leaving her with a bike to get around.

“Riding a bike around campus sucks,” she told “Like really sucks.”

Monroe was arrested on March 4 on DWI charges, with a $3,000 bond,  according to Hays County Jail records.

It didn’t take long for the 5-foot-3, 20-year-old to decide the Barbie girl life was the one for her. After some Craigslist perusing, she found her sweet ride for $60, its previous owner was a little girl named Charlene.

“When we drove up to buy it Charlene asked where the little one was to test drive it to which I replied, ‘I am the little one,’” she said.

Monroe decided to name her new ride after Charlene.

Since Charlene handed over the keys, she has rolled out around the University of Texas at Austin’s West Campus and Texas State, leaving a trail of her laughter and Snapchats everywhere her little 12-volt battery can take her at 5 mph.

“Most people don’t find the things me and my friends do very funny, just immature, so I didn’t expect to get this big of a reaction,” she said. “People who don’t know me are shocked but my friends weren’t even surprised because I do stuff like this all the time.”

This is the best way I could have gotten my 15 minutes of fame,” she said. “Basically, it was the best decision I’ve made in college, yet…”

She said her 21st birthday plans in November involve revving up Charlene for a night at The Square in San Marcos with her friends.

“It goes pretty fast when it’s just me, so I usually make them (her friends) walk behind me like parents taking their kid out to play,” she quipped. “I’m just happy everyone thinks this is so hilarious.”

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