
2yr-old Hailey Dunbar-Blanchette was abducted from her Blairmore , Alberta home. A vehicle described as a newer model white van, with a large rear antenna, with a flag attached was seen fleeing from the residence the child was taken from about 3:30 a.m. Monday morning./Calgary Sun/Postmedia Network



Police are scouring southwestern Alberta and B.C. for a two-year-old girl abducted from the Crowsnest Pass home of her murdered father.

Sun sources have confirmed Terry Blanchette was found stabbed to death in his Blairmore home Monday morning and that his daughter, Hailey Dunbar-Blanchette, had been taken around 3:30 a.m.

Police say a white, late-model van with a flag-tipped aerial was seen fleeing the area westward.

An Amber Alert for the girl was activated in Alberta at 2:14 p.m. It was expanded to Saskatchewan and Manitoba later in the afternoon.

Hailey is white, with short blonde hair.

She was supposed to have been dropped off at her mother Cheyenne Dunbar’s Edmonton home Sunday, said the tot’s grandfather.

“She was supposed to show up yesterday, it was Terry’s turn to drop Hailey off,” Kevin Dunbar said Monday of the little girl’s deceased father.

The girl’s mother and Blanchette had split, with the woman living in Edmonton and the couple evenly sharing time with the girl, said Dunbar.

Of Hailey, he said: “She’s really smart, really cute and is a two-and-a-half year-old that looks like five.”

“I’d just like to see her back safe.”

He said Terry Blanchette was “not a very well-liked person” and had repeatedly been in trouble with the law.

Terry’s mother was tearfully waiting for some good news Monday.

“My ex-husband is still at the police station up there, I haven’t heard anything,” said Pamela Eiseman from her home in the U.S.

“I can hardly talk right now.”

The woman was also absorbing news of the apparent murder of her son Terry, the father of her granddaughter Hailey Dunbar-Blanchette.

But she spoke of recent, happier times spent with Hailey.

“She’s the most wonderful girl ever,” she said.

“I spent three weeks with her this summer and it was the best time ever.”

Eiseman said she has no idea why anyone would commit those crimes against her loved ones.

The woman and her husband said they were hoping an Amber Alert would at least end in the rescue of Hailey.

The missing girl’s great uncle, Ken Dunbar, said he was stunned to hear of Terry Blanchette.

And he described Hailey as “shy but loud,” and suspected her kidnapping would have been noisy affair.

“She would have made a huge fuss if anyone picked her up, a huge ruckus that’s for sure,” said Dunbar.

“She wouldn’t even come to me.”

It’s the second major crime to hit the Crowsnest Pass in less than a week.

On Sept. 9, the body of Hannah Meketech, 69, was found in her Coleman home.

It’s since been dubbed a homicide but no arrests have been made.

Crowsnest Pass Mayor Blair Painter said he’s sickened by the events, adding he hopes they’re not an enduring trend.

“This is an anomaly, it’s like, wow -— holy smokes” said Painter.

“This is really disturbing — I just hope it’s resolved very quickly.”

Hailey’s grandfather Kevin Dunbar said he’s turned to a psychic who’s told him the girl’s alive and somewhere in southeastern B.C.

RCMP are requesting anyone who may know the suspect not to approach them, but to call Crowsnest RCMP immediately at 403-562-2867