Via: Beckham Magazine
Via: Beckham Magazine

The series will get up close with David as he travels the globe, discussing the connection between people and the game of soccer. Are you swooning yet?

Variety has the story here. **“David Beckham: For the Love of the Game,” which has been commissioned by the BBC. The film will see Beckham play soccer in seven continents.

The 90-minute film follows Beckham on a journey to the villages of Papua New Guinea, the foothills of Nepal, the streets of Buenos Aires, the desert plains of Djibouti, the manicured pitches of Miami and the frozen wastelands of Antarctica, where he will play soccer with local people, and learn about their lives. He will travel with childhood friend Dave Gardner.**

Via: LBC9
Via: LBC9

Will you watch it???

-Tyler Jordan- @TylerJordanFM