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Skip the fancy wine’s at your holiday party and head straight for the Patron.

With the holidays, comes eating. And with eating, comes self loathing regret of how much you’ve been eating the past few weeks.




THEN comes New Years Resolutions about losing weight, but HOW are you going to do that??? By drinking Tequila.


dead serious


The American Chemical Society did a study on the effects tequila has on blood glucose levels (because people will study anything nowadays), and the sugars in the Agave plant that makes the beloved tequila, can help lower your blood sugar. They will also make your stomach feel fuller for LONGER, which means eating less and more time for working out AKA lifting that shot of tequila to your mouth.

So this new year SKIP THE HEALTHY FOODS…




And head straight to the tequila.






(Photos via HuffPost, WikiMedia, Tumblr, BlogSpot)