I got my ten year old neighbour to draw me what he thought these acronyms stood for. He was way off…

So I was bored visiting with one of my neighbours who has a 10 year old son. To keep him entertained we decided we would tell him about the old acronyms we used to say and see if he could guess what they mean. To make it better, he wanted to draw them… Some of them are pretty good pieces of art, the others he said he just guessed!

Have a look! :D

Tyler Jordan
Tyler Jordan

TL;DR (Too Long Didn’t read = Talking Log Doctor)

Tyler Jordan
Tyler Jordan

A/S/L (Age/Sex?Location = After Saturday Larping) … We told him he got that one right.

Tyler Jordan
Tyler Jordan

BBS (Be Back Soon = Big Burly Socks)

Tyler Jordan
Tyler Jordan

ROFL (Rolling On Floor Laughing = Ran Out-of Food Last-night)

Tyler Jordan
Tyler Jordan

BRB (Be Right Back = Bad Redneck Barbie)

Tyler Jordan
Tyler Jordan

VHS (Video Home System = Very Handsome Salamander) … I like his better!

What do you think, could you get all those right?
Are there any we missed? Let me know in the comments below!
Please like and share on FB to spread this beautiful art!

–Tyler Jordan– —@TylerJordanFM