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This drinking robot will be your friend!!!

Ever have one of those nights that you want to just go out and PARTY… But your friends are like, NAH?!?!




Well if that party animal in you needs to let loose but your friends aren’t interested, NO PROBLEM. There is now a ROBOT that will drink with you.




Created by South Korean inventor, Eunchan Park, DRINKY the robot will raise a glass, cheers, and take a shot with you!!! Drinky will even give you a thumbs up after the shot AND blush, because you know, robots can get drunk.

The best part… Drinky is a robot, and doesn’t actually drink the alcohol. Every shot he takes goes straight into a jar thats under him, so you can drink his share, AND your share!!!




Check out the video below of Drinky in action!!!






(Photos via HuffPost, Netflix)