Despite receiving the most votes in fan-balloting, the NHL seems adamant in not having this Edmontonian play in the All-Star Game.

John Scott formerly played for the Arizona Coyotes. He was known as a grinder, tough-guy player for the NHL. Think Georges Laraque if you will, John Scott has bounced around to a couple of different teams during his tenure in the league. Not the most all-star worthy player or skilled, but a perfect tough-guy role and off the ice a reputation of an all around class guy. John Scott 33 years old was the recipient of over millions of votes to become a CAPTAIN in the 2016 NHL All-Star game. As the rules state the fans are allowed to vote for any players they choose to participate in the All-STar game. Edmonton born John Scott got voted in.

Now here is a summary of what people are theorizing what has happened to keep John Scott out of the 2016 All-Star Weekend in Nashville.

“As an NHL fan and Edmontonian I can’t help but feel a little disgusted by this from the NHL..
Let Scott Play. He got voted in, change your rules next year and learn from your past NHL.
Don’t have a hissy fit because things didn’t go your way.”

No official statement has been made from The NHL on John Scott’s status as an All-Star. But it’s our duty not only as fans, but as human beings to let the league know they need to do the right thing and #LetScottPlay #FreeJohnScott

Screen Grab: Wikipedia
Screen Grab: Wikipedia

For more on the John Scott fiasco Sportsnet has details here.
*In the link you will see Scott had made T-Shirts for his All-Star team that read “THANKS FOR BELIEVING IN ME”

–Tyler Jordan– —@TylerJordanFM

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