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DJ Khaled needs to take some tips from Mike Chalut Sr!!!

Today’s Motivational Monday is all about a book called, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.




Once referred to as the most read book than any other book ever written besides the Bible ‘How to win friends and influence people” is still an incredible book with common sense information about getting along with people and understanding them. I first read the book on a train ride to Ottawa. I finished reading it by the time I returned home because I just could not put it down. I had heard about Dale Carnegie courses that were offered all over the world and I wanted to know the secret behind them. These courses revolved around the book and it was used to help companies and individuals to understand people and themselves. What makes them tick and what doesn’t. Without a doubt to this day it still remains one of my favourites books that I had ever read several times and continue to refer to in order to get refocused and to have a better relationship with those around me. Dale Carnegie definitely was one of the grandfathers in writing about relationships.




The phrase I so often used and preached about whenever I had taught or delivered motivational speeches to students and companies was, never Condemn, Criticize or Complain as stated by Dale Carnegie in his book. When you think about it how powerful and how difficult to follow through with that statement when it comes to talking to and about people.


As a guidance counselor, father and entrepreneur I gave a different twist to delivering that phrase. I added a solution to avoiding doing that by stating the positive. Always try to Create rather than condemn, Compliment rather than criticize and Communicate rather than complain.  By exercising those three words one can win friends and influence people in the community, workplace and at home. In addition when I was coaching I built a team around those words to enable my teams to move forward in a positive way towards victory and towards accepting defeat.


Throughout Carnegie’s book you would find just common sense statements like the one above that would make you feel better about yourself and other people. It is one of those books that you read and have lots of Ahha! moments and ‘’now I get it’’ or ‘’that makes sense’’ and “I am going to try that.” No doubt about it How to Win Friends is like a bible or Koran etc. one that you will never throw away and will always refer to for help.

