
‘Roosh’ the creator of ‘Return Of Kings’, got a little spooked by all the threats he was receiving, so he called the police to come to his mom’s basement where he lives, and protect him.

  • THAT, sounds like the formula for a pick up artist. Scared + 36 + living in his mother’s basement = someone you almost feel sorry for. But not really.

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  • According to the police that were called to “Roosh’s” house, he told them that his article about legalizing rape on private ground was ‘satire.’ But, he also admitted to only adding the disclaimer the day before.

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  • ‘Roosh’ was scared into calling the police due to all the threats he was receiving after the infamous group Anonymous leaked his personal information to the public.

  • If you want to dig deeper into the story go to Mail Online.

  • *Photos from Mail Online*

  • -The Pepper & Dylan Show