This pic has gone absolutely viral.

  • As you can see on the receipt, the meal was purchased in 2010.

  • Now, we don’t know if this pic is real or not. BUT IF IT IS….it’s kind of scary.

  • This is McDonald’s response as to why their food has not gone bad:

  • Food needs moisture in the air for mold to form. Without it, food will simply dry out – sort of like bread left out on a counter overnight to make croutons for stuffing.

    You might have seen experiments which seem to show no decomposition in our food. Most likely, this is because the food has dehydrated before any visible deterioration could occur.”

  • Jennifer Lovdahl is the lady who posted the pic. According to her, the box had just been sitting in her office this whole time, no mold or anything!

  • Capture

  • So, do you think it’s real?

  • – The Pepper & Dylan Show