Dolphin 3
A baby dolphin lost it’s life at the hands of camera crazy tourists.

Humans can be so stupid. Let’s not sugar coat this at all. Stupid humans didn’t think about the hot sun, about an aquatic animal being exposed for great lengths of time, and about respect for animals in general!!

  • This huge group of tourists in Argentina YANKED this baby dolphin from the water and proceeded to pass it around for selfies.

  • dolphin 1

  • dolphin 2

  • To top it off, Franciscana dolphins (which the baby dolphin was) are listed as a “vulnerable” species. They are ONLY found in the waters of southeastern South America.

  • Photos are from The Dodo. <<< They have more information if you are curious.

  • Sorry for bringing you a sad story first thing in the morning….

  • – The Pepper & Dylan Show