Much like Fifth Harmony’s Camila Cabello, Halsey and even Morgan Freeman have done, Lukas Graham took their turn to cover the hit song from Justin’s Purpose album. 


Lukas Graham burst onto the scene with their hit song ‘7 Years’.

They did an interview talking about the song,


Once the UK had caught on to 7 Years, the song took off really quickly. What do you think it is about the track that’s made it such a great success?

  • I think it catches a lot of different age groups. People can see their own lives in the song. It doesn’t talk about affluence or being poor… it’s just very general. Of course my father’s passing plays a big part in the song for me. The piano line in the song as well is great – in fact the production as a whole just lures you in. What’s weird about the song is that doesn’t really have a lyrical hook – just a melodic one.


When you first came up with 7 Years, did you know you were on to something big?

  • The song was born out of me and the producer in the kitchen of our studio. He started playing the piano, I started singing, and we just kept going. There are four production rooms in the studio and everyone who works there helps each other out on what they’re working on, and people just started coming out of their rooms into the kitchen and joining in with a glass of wine.
  • When we were finished with it I knew we had something phenomenal, but at that stage the song had lots more verses and choruses – it was about six minutes long. When I cut it down I had no idea what I was I doing – I don’t play musical instruments or produce – but 18 months later me and the producers had the finished song and it just made sense.