If you already know the proper way to eat a Toblerone, then we applaud you!!! Because we didn’t. Our minds our blown.

Usually when gifted a Toblerone, if you’re like us, you use your hand to pull the triangle forward to break it off, or hurt the top of your mouth by biting it off.

BUT THAT’S THE WRONG WAY! Well, not necessarily wrong, but not the way it was designed to be broken.

First you do this with your thumb…



And then you PUSH!




SO EASY, SO SIMPLE…. Are we really the only ones who didn’t know this!??

If the pictures didn’t do it justice, here’s a video we pulled from YouTube:

The worst part about learning this new info is that we really want to try it…but our vending machine doesn’t have any…#ChocolateLoversProblems 

Happy Wednesday!

– The Pepper & Dylan Show 

Filed under: Chocolate, Food, Toblerone