Later this month, YEG will get a new Medical Marijuana Clinic.

We haven’t found details on the location yet, but the new clinic will be run by the same guy who founded Toronto’s clinic – Dr. Danial Schecter.


Schecter says, “The great thing about medical cannabis is that it’s a new and novel class of therapy. It targets specific receptors in the body that are really not targeted by any other medication. In general, this is a very safe medication to be added on to other medications.”

click >> Here << for more details on the new Medical Marijuana Clinic.


(We can’t help but wonder, they say it will open up later this month…April 20th??? Nah…. that’s TOO ironic…)


Hope you’re having a good Thursday!

-The Pepper & Dylan Show

Filed under: Edmonton, Medical Marijuana, News, Yeg