A man broke into a gym in Edmonton late at night.

He picked the door, set off alarms, BUT…

Nothing expensive was touched or taken.

The only thing missing was a branded tank top from the gym.

Construction boots were placed in a corner with the mans clothes folded neatly on top.

The gym’s card board cut out of Bon Jovi was turned to face the wall.

Gym equipment had been moved around, and used.

There was evidence that he had taken a shower and put the towel in the laundry basket.

It appeared he had a Tim’s chicken wrap as a snack, and taken clothes from the lost and found….ladies workout clothes.




Then in the morning when the gyms owner Cheryl Schneider brought the police in, they found the intruder in the back of the studio still wearing the women’s work out clothing (that he had taken from the lost and found.)

The intruder was cooperative when police arrested him, still wearing the ladies clothes.

According to EPS, this is one of the craziest things they’ve seen.

According to US, this is one of the funniest B&E’s we’ve ever seen!

CBC has a full interview with Cheryl Schneider.

Enjoy your Thursday!  And remember, if you want to work out and wear ladies clothes, go for it, we won’t judge, you don’t have to go breaking into a gym.


Filed under: Crazy, Edmonton, EPS, Yeg