Getting rid of the past one tattoo at a time!


Ben Alway, owner of Second Skin Tattoo Removal, provides tattoo removal for those looking to start again!

He started his tattoo removal business 8 years ago.

Ben works with former criminals and young offenders with tattoos holding them back from reintegrating into society .

“Kids don’t need gang tattoos on them that can easily make their rehabilitation and turning their life around very challenging,”


For some, their tattoos could put them in danger and hold them back from reintegrating into society. 


Removing that bad ink isn’t a walk in the park, it typically requires between 5 and 10 sessions that must be spaced a couple months  apart.

“Getting rid of that mark, that stain on your life, it’s a game changer.”

tatoto removal

Remember think before you ink!

Mike and Helena