There are now 7 confirmed cases of the Zika virus in BC, and 30 states in the USA with confirmed cases.

All 7 cases were contracted either out of country or sexually transmitted.

*UPDATED: We’ve been notified of other articles that say there are actually 14 cases in Canada, and that the virus IS in Alberta. But the W.H.O has not officially released these facts yet. We’ll keep you updated when we learn more. As well, these cases are said to have NOT been contracted while in Canada*

Unfortunately two of the 7 Canadians with Zika are pregnant. And scientists say there is a definite link between microcephaly ( a birth defect ) and Zika virus.




The World Health Organization is working hard to find a vaccine. And you don’t have to be extremely worried about contracting it, since there’s simple precautions you can take!

From what we’ve read it’s passed through mosquitoes and bodily fluids. So wear repellent and don’t have sex with strangers!!! Plus, there is no confirmation as to whether any of the mosquitoes in Canada even carry the virus yet.




Even if you were to catch it, there are more people getting over it than there are dying or having long term effects from it, in North America.

Still, it’s sad to see that more and more people, especially in Brazil, are being infected by the Zika virus.

Global News has a full story on Zika in British Colombia:

-The Pepper & Dylan Show

Filed under: Important, Update, Zika