Break ups are the worst!
Drama! Drama! Drama!
So who should get the ring if everything falls apart ???

A New York man is suing his x fiancée for not giving back her engagement ring after she called off the engagement.

Philip Langer met Ashley Jae Chesler in a New York City bar and three months later he proposed with a $30,000 custom engagement ring. Chesler ended their relationship and will not give back the ring!

Philip has now filed court papers demanding his ex to return the ring or reimburse him for its cost. 


New York  Law states “an engagement ring is considered a conditional gift, where the condition is that the marriage actually takes place.”

So if she never takes the trip down the aisle, she might have to give the ring back. 
Should engagement rings be returned in a breakup?
This is the great debate!
Helena says GIVE IT BACK!
Mike says KEEP IT!