(Photo by Megan Adamson-Jackes)
(Photo by Megan Adamson-Jackes)


He does kind of look like Shia I guess.. But still come on, what did Shia LaBeouf ever do to you? Besides appear in that God awful Indiana Jones Movie 🙁
Yes it was bad, get over it!

Mario Licato was just having a typical Saturday in NYC until 8PM…
“I was walking up the stairs,” he remembers. “I had my head down—there were people in front of me—just to make sure I wasn’t going to fall.”

I didn’t even see the guy. I just see his fist coming towards me. It knocked me, and while I was falling down the stairs, all I hear was, “This is because you look exactly like Shia LaBeouf!”




I was so confused. I was even more confused because I got up and I was like, am I crazy or did I hear him say, “This is because you look like Shia LaBeouf?” And [the couple] were like, “Nope. That’s exactly what he said as he was running away from you.”


911 was called and this is how the EMT’s greeted him..

“They got out of the car and the first EMT guy, while I’m gushing blood from my face, with my broken glasses, just says, “Welcome to New York, buddy.”




Well thats weird!!!

For more on the story click here.




Filed under: assault, attacked, attacker, nyc, punch, shia, shia labeouf, Story, sucker