Earls will no longer be using Alberta Beef at their restaurants.

This news has A LOT of Albertans, Canadians and especially farmers, angry.

According to earls, they are now going to be buying Certified Humane Beef from Kansas. *We aren’t sure yet if this is ALL Earls in the country, or if it’s just the Vancouver ones that shared the news.*

Now, we don’t know much about beef, but if they are buying from the states now because it’s humane…does that mean Alberta Beef is not “Humane?”

And, if that’s the case, then what is more important? Buying humane hormone free beef, or buying from local farmers?

*UPDATE: Now that more news has been released, it seems that Earls would buy from Alberta if they could supply the beef needed in large quantities. But unfortunately none of the humane hormone free farms in Alberta are at the point where they can meet the demand. According to Earls.*


These are some of the tweets on the topic:




The hashtag #BoycottEarls has gained popularity on social media. Calgary talk show 770 collected some tweets from when the news first broke, take a look:



We’re scared to ask…but, what are your thoughts?? (remember when sharing your opinion on social media and on our Facebook page, you CANNOT use swear words or profane language otherwise the comment will be removed, thanks!)

-The Pepper & Dylan Show



Filed under: Alberta, Beef, News, Yeg