Ten Powerful Phrases – for Positive People by Rich Devos
If you really want to be motivated in life, find a person who really is a true friend.  To make it even better find a friend who reads books that motivate and are inspirational.  It will change your life for the better. I can attest to that and that it works because I have that friend.  A true friend who constantly reads good books, loves people and is a very successful entrepreneur in his own right.  
My buddy Glen who I absolutely love is my man friend.  He is the inspiration behind my next book that I am recommending for May.  He gave me the book to read in March entitled ” Ten Powerful Phrases For Positive People” by Rich Devos (We always exchange or recommend books to each other.) After reading it , I just had to tell you all about it and get you to read it. It has true significance to me since  Rich Devos was one of the first speakers I traveled out of town to hear and get inspired by back in the day.  
Glen who also by the way I have coffee with every Thursday at 7am. to share ideas, thoughts and our friendship.  We have been doing this for over 20 years! Can you believe that. It is the highlight of my week in many ways. He is a mentor to me as I am to him.  Because we are both positive thinkers and love to read we are a good match. We give each other strength and motivation not to mention a lot of laughter. We have missed very few Thursdays over the years.  I hope you have a friend like Glen or will find one. Its precious.
The book Ten Powerful Phrases dictates phrases that really are not a secret that leads to success in many ways but are a reminder that life can be simple if we use words that can change our life for the better as well as others.  Even though Glen has been in business for over 30 years he still looks for ways to be inspired and to improve.  He owns a multi million dollar business because he knows how to treat people with respect and gratitude.  All his customers are like family and wherever you go in our county someone will know Glen and what a wonderful business man and person he is and it is because of the exact phrases that are in Rich Devosís book that he constantly uses in his business, in life and with his wonderful family at home.  
Give this book a read. It is simple, short but extremely powerful.  Powerful enough that if you use these phrases on a regular basis and make them a part of your vocabulary  friends, fame and a good family will evolve.  Give it a try today and I promise you that a friend like Glen will be a part of your life . Love and friendships will engulf you in more ways than one.  Get motivated to love life and others around you!!! Enjoy your May read.