Go Big or Go Home!

Age is only a number ….. 40 is the new 30 …. 50 is the new 40! When people say “act your age” I immediately smile, nod and walk away!
Peter Pan said it right ….”I will never grow old and I will never grow up” that’s my motto and with the help of Botox and a great plastic Surgeon I am living the Peter Pan Dream!

Betrice Ingerling had the same attitude! She is celebrating 100 years this Saturday and wants to pole dance – she doesn’t want a pole dancer – she wants to show here friends and family what she’s got! You go girl!


She’s even had a pole installed in her home in Chesterfield, Virginia, just so she can do a few spins for family and friends at the party!

Never grow old and Never grow up – the secret to a happy life! Thanks Betrice for inspiring all of us!

We are installing a pole in the studio stat! Pepper and Dylan are up next!
