Photo: Brittaney Benesh
Photo: Brittaney Benesh


Mom’s so smart!
So wise!!!

Brittaney Benesh, a fan of the hit Harry Potter series, told ABC News (Full Story Here) her 4-year-old son Ayden Benesh-Lastrella accidentally hit his head after jumping into a huge pile of laundry.

“The next morning, as we are getting ready to leave, Ayden is crying about leaving because he doesn’t like the big cut on his forehead, and that’s when the idea came to me,” the Vallejo, California, woman, said.


Photo: Brittaney Benesh
Photo: Brittaney Benesh


And then!!!
BOOOM! Straight wizard stylin’

Photo: Brittaney Benesh
Photo: Brittaney Benesh


—- @IsTylerJordan

quite the cutie

Filed under: Cut, Harry Potter, hogwarst, hogwarts, Kid, muggle, scar, wizard