A booklet has been released for Fort McMurray evacuees with a guide to re entry.

The booklet includes important advice like;

  • Exercise caution when returning home by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved shirt and rubber boots.
  • Wear an N-95 dust mask (disposable face mask to filter dust and other air particulates) while sifting through debris to avoid breathing in smoke and ash
  • Consider arriving with basic necessities to last for up to 14 days, including food, drinking water and prescriptions.
  • Dispose of all perishables in the home.

It also warns those coming back to their homes that they will likely NOT have portable tap water or electricity.

Residents might also find stray animals in their homes that took refuge during the fires. Its best to give the animals room to leave the house on their own.


****If you haven’t received or been sent a copy of the booklet with re-entry guidelines, you can read it HERERMWB-Re-EntryBooklet ****


As far as we’ve heard June 1st is still the date for the re entry to begin.


Thanks again to everyone who’s been donating, assisting and helping with the fire relief. #AlbertaStrong

The Pepper & Dylan Show 

Filed under: Alberta, Fort Mac, Re Entry, Yeg, yym