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^ Exactly how he must be feeling right now. ^

Yikes!! Almost exactly 2 years after releasing his hit “Photograph“, Ed Sheeran is being sued for $20 MILLION! Two musicians from California, Martin Harrington, a songwriter and Thomas Leonard, a producer, filed the suit on Wednesday, and claim the song has a similar structure to their song called “Amazing“.




According to them, the 2014 song shares 39 identical notes as their song, written in 2009. I take Ed’s side, obviously, but, for the sake of them, lets compare.



Okay, honestly they sound pretty much the same. Harrington and Leonard want the whole shebang, a jury trial and $20 million in damages, as well as royalties from the song. But HOW didn’t you catch this earlier?!?! Have you never heard Photograph?!?! It been a hit for decades it seems!!!!







Filed under: Ed Sheeran, Photograph