Chip Zdarsky is a writer for Marvel Variant Edition, and he (plus artist Ramon Perez) are bringing Canada’s Trudeau into the comic for issue No. 5 of Marvel’s “Civil War II: Choosing Sides,” due out Aug. 31.

“I didn’t want to do a stuffy cover — just like a suit and tie — put his likeness on the cover and call it a day,” said award-winning Toronto-based cartoonist Ramon Perez.




“I wanted to kind of evoke a little bit of what’s different about him than other people in power right now. You don’t see (U.S. President Barack) Obama strutting around in boxing gear, doing push-ups in commercials or whatnot. Just throwing him in his gear and making him almost like an everyday person was kind of fun.

(Quotes from the CBC)


From what we can tell the Prime Minister will only be on the cover, not featured as a character. But hey, it’s still pretty cool! Who doesn’t want to have a sweet cover of you depicted as a bad ass character!

The Pepper & Dylan Show 


Filed under: Art, Canada, Comic, Justin Trudeau, Marvel, Prime minister