Did you know about this hack?

You’ve probably heard or actually executed the rice hack. Take your wet phone, plop it in a bag full of dry rice, and after a day or two, or three depending on how damaged the phone is, the rice sucks the moisture out and the phone is (usually) fixed!

This new (at least new to us) hack is similar, but uses something you may not have thought of…KITTY LITTER!

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According to some tests done by electronic buyer and re-seller Gazelle Crystal Kitty Litter is one of the most effective ways to fix your wet phone.

Gazelle also points out that turning your phone off for a few days while it’s chilling in the litter helps and reduces the damage.


-The Pepper & Dylan Show 


*Picture from pcwliquiddamagerepair.com**

Filed under: hacks, iphone, Kitty, litter, Phone, smartphone, spill