If you’re a parent you may have covered your child’s stroller with a blanket in order to protect them from the weather or UV rays.

Apparently you DON’T want to be doing this. 

Svante Norgren, a pediatrician at the Astrid Lindgren children’s hospital in Stockholm, says that putting even a thin blanket over a stroller instantly raises the temperature inside and can increase the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

‘It gets extremely hot down in the pram (Stroller), something like a thermos’, Svante said, while speaking to the  Svenska Dagbladet newspaper.

‘There is also bad circulation of the air and it is hard to see the baby with a cover over the pram.’

Svante has explained that if a child or infant were to get overheated, they may think they are back in the womb again and ‘breathing may stop’

From what we’ve read after finding this information, it’s best to leave your child’s face uncovered if you still want to have a blanket over them, and it’s also best to simply NOT take them outside in the summer during times when the sun’s at it’s highest.

All this being said though, you know your baby best and (we assume) can judge the elements pretty well where your tot is concerned.

-The Pepper & Dylan Show

(Sources: DailyMailwww.today.com)



Filed under: Babies, Blankets, Children, Important, Parents, Strollers