Juliet Munn-Lenz, a 5 year old from Grand Prairie, caught the eye of the Canadian Space Agency.

When asked about astronauts Juliet said, “I feel like it’s the best job ever, I realized I liked space because when I first found space, it looked pretty good for me to work at it.”

She’s pretty determined too! She’s given herself till age 24 to get out into space: “I want to because then I could be the youngest person in space, the first person on Mars, the first people to go in outer solar systems and meet aliens,”

The Canadian Space Agency shared the above video on their Facebook page with the caption: “Thanks for sending us your impressive resume Juliet!. Dream big and reach for the stars.”

She’s definitely the cutest hopeful astronaut we’ve seen!

Congrats Juliet! We hope to hear of your space adventures one day 🙂

-The Pepper & Dylan Show

Filed under: Alberta, Canada, Grand Prairie, Kids, Space