Please read if you are planning on camping this weekend in or near Banff National Park!

Already more than 200 tenting campers have had to be relocated due to what’s being called a ‘Bold Wolf.’

Reports are that a female yearling wolf from the Bow Valley pack is going into campgrounds and boldly seeking food of any sort.


Greg Danchuk, manager of visitor experience for Banff National Park, said

She’s moving from campsite to campsite, sniffing at and pawing at fire pits, under tables, anything that she can come to. Even Rubbermaid bins people might have something in, which could be food that is not supposed to be left out. When our wildlife experts are trying to adversely condition her, she doesn’t seem to be very fazed by that, chalk balls and noise and these kinds of things.”


Any wolf sighting should be reported to Banff Dispatch at 403-762-1470.


(So, in OUR opinion, this isn’t a situation that should cause you fear, it’s just the park rangers trying to let nature be nature, and move PEOPLE out of the way just in case.)

-The Pepper & Dylan Show 




*sources: CBC, Wikipedia*



Filed under: Alberta, ban, banff, Warning, Wildlife, wolf