In a Grinch themed turn of events, the women who participated in today’s synchronized diving event got to swim in a green pool of water. Despite what anyone at the 2016 Rio Olympics will have you believe, water is not supposed to be green. Yesterday’s men’s event, took place in nice, clear water. But today, it appears that algae has taken over.
As Deadspin writes, “While algae itself is generally harmless, the conditions that allow it to grow—deficient levels of chlorine, most likely—might give pause to competitors considering the antibiotics-resistant superbacteria that were detected at Olympics venues before the Games began.”



The Olympics are less than a week old, and there is a lot of swimming to be done, so let’s hope they get back to some regular blue water. Or maybe there’ll be more cool colours!! Hopefully we get to see Men’s Water Polo in a neon pink pool!



Filed under: Games, pool, Rio, water