This is one of the stranger stories that I’ve read this week but I will admit that it did make me laugh.

Meet Priscilla Banuelos, Angelena Silveira and Alyssa Lopez.



Before attending a movie in their California town, they decided they were going to break a big movie rule, by bringing in their own food into the theater; only they took it a step further.


Now, most people might carry food in their purse or backpack, but these ladies decided to take that next creative step by taping watermelons to their stomachs and pretending to be pregnant.



They got away with it too, even if they did receive a few judgmental looks from people who thought the 18 year olds were too young to be pregnant, “We used duct tape and Saran Wrap and they stayed, and we ended up pulling it off with no questions asked. You could tell people were pretty judgmental because we were such a young group and we were getting a lot of stares from people in the lobby. (via Mashable).

While the little creative stunt may have been fun for them, a movie theater employee who claimed that he had to clean up after them posted the following to Twitter,

(Pictures via Priscilla Banuelos, Angelena Silveira and Alyssa Lopez & Mashable)

Filed under: movies