

UPDATE (9/9/2016)

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is advising all existing Note7 customers “power them down and stop charging or using the device.”

In a statement provided to Mashable, the CPSC said Samsung is working with the agency to announce an official recall of the devices “as soon as possible.” 



Samsung has announced they are halting sales and calling for a global recall of their “hot” new smartphone phone – the Galaxy Note 7 – after multiple reports of them exploding.


Now I have a Samsung Galaxy 4 and boy does it get hot sometimes, like cook an egg hot. Now I’m scared it might explode… So if you have a Note 7 be sure you take this seriously!

Since late last month, several users have posted photos and videos on social media showing the charred Note 7 with part of its 5.7-inch touchscreen burnt and melted, saying it suddenly caught fire.  

The president of the firm’s mobile business, Koh Dong-jin, said an investigation by the company found a battery cell made by one of its two battery suppliers caused the phone to catch fire.


“It will cost us so much it makes my heart ache. Nevertheless, the reason we made this decision is because what is most important is customer safety.”

Samsung CEO also said he was “deeply sorry” over the incident and customers who already bought Note 7 would be able to swap them for new smartphones, regardless of the purchase date.


@IsTylerJordan ~

hello tyler

Filed under: cell, cell phone, exploding, note 7, Recall, samsung