Justin Bieber recently sat down with Nick Grimshaw of BBC Radio 1 and spoke about a host of different topics, including his friendship with Ed Sheeran.

He said, “Me and Ed aren’t super close but he’s someone who I consider a friend and I really appreciate his music”….”I appreciate who he is as a person. He’s an inspiration to a lot of young people – he makes awesome music that people are inspired by and that people laugh to, cry to and I think it’s important in music to have those people who bring the emotion out of you.”

He continued, “there’s something about him that just makes you like him. He’s very likeable and very, very talented.”

The two worked together on Bieber’s smash hit, ‘Love Yourself’, a song off his recent album, ‘Purpose’.

On working with Ed, Justin said, “we found a sweet spot. I think that he knows what sounds good range-wise in my vocals and he’s got his ear to the streets. He’s very relevant but knows his stuff at the same time so he brings in stuff that he grew up listening to into what he’s making now which is really neat.”

Justin has had his share of troubles and he told the BBC Radio 1 host that he hopes Ed is able to stay clear of some of the things he’s had to deal with, saying, “let’s hope he doesn’t… we gotta make sure he doesn’t do something stupid to mess it all up,”

Filed under: Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber