
Number 3: Justin Bieber’s Credit Card Gets Declined At Subway

I know, I know, why is this a story? My credit card gets declined all the time, right?! Or is that just me… ANYWAYS, JB was going out for a delicious sandwich at Subway when his card got declined, and the customer behind him had to pick up his tab! If I was them, I’d be expecting some concert tickets.


Number 2: It’s SONiC BOOM Weekend!!!

The time has finally come! Twenty One Pilots, Halsey, The Lumineers, Vance Joy and SO many more are headed to Borden Park for SONiC Boom!! Are you going?!


Number 1: Drake Is Coming To The Ranch

…. And I’m about to faint. DRAKE. IN EDMONTON. AT THE RANCH?!?!?!??!?! MY DREAMS ARE COMING TRUE! CAPS LOCK DOES NOT EVEN EXPRESS MY TOTAL EXCITEMENT!! OH, and him and Rihanna are officially dating. watch the video below to get all the juicy details!







Filed under: drake, Edmonton, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, SONiC BOOM, The Ranch