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Why am I not surprised?

A very extensive, scientific study has found out exactly what we already know; pizza is the greatest motivational tool for workers.




To conduct this study, three work groups received three separate messages, promising either pizza, a $30 bonus, or a simple “Well done!” text from their boss! Another cluster of workers, serving as a control group, got no bonus.

At the end of the week, researchers discovered few workers were inspired by the cash, performing only 4.9 percent above the control group. The employees who received pizza and compliments, performed 6.7 and 6.6 better than the control group!




Who woulda thought people loved PIZZA more than MONEY?!?! I guess that’s probably what they’ll spend their money on anyways, right? #PizzaLove




You can read more ~*~HERE~*~




Filed under: Pizza