Broad City/ Comedy Central
Broad City/ Comedy Central


It’s the time of the year that some kids hate and some kids love.. but most parents absolutely adore! That’s right, it’s back to school! After a whole summer of having your kids at home/sporting events/day camps.. Moms and dads can finally rest (a little bit, let’s be real). One mom however, was a little TOO excited about her little ones back at school. She had to help herself to some of the devils lettuce, the funky stuff, the crundalo…

A mom in Victoria B.C was allegedly pulled over for speeding through a school zone, and then after admitted to having smoked a joint with other moms in celebration of the back to school season.

My drug recognition expert just did roadside sobriety tests on a mom in a school zone.Smoked a joint to celebrate school back in

Apparently she was deemed under the influence, but not so much that she couldn’t continue to drive. She was given a ticket for speeding in a school zone, and sent on her way. More info on this pretty weird story here.


@IsTylerJordan ~


Filed under: back, marijuanna, mj, School, to