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She’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool mom.

Yevette Vasquez, is a single mom of three boys from Texas. And also the coolest mom known to mankind.




The other day, she dressed up as a “dad” so her son, Elijah, wouldn’t feel left out of his school’s “Donuts With Dad” event. When Vasquez found out about the event she joked that she would dress up as a man for her son!

“When I saw how excited he was about it, I decided to follow through.”

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She put on a baseball cap, a plaid shirt, a fake mustache and took Elijah to school! Vasquez added that,

“When we walked into the library, there were a whole bunch of men and a lot of them were cheering! Elijah was just smiling really big. It was a lot of fun, and, of course, we got donuts.”

Elijah asked her to share the photos on Facebook and obviously, it went viral!



Her next event? The annual Muffins With Mom!

“My three boys are my loves, and I hope I can raise them to be amazing men, fathers, and husbands, even without a father figure example for them.


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