The Edmonton Police Service says that as many as 58 tickets for the Keith Urban concert (and first concert at the new downtown arena) were stolen from a local radio station (not ours) and sold online.

The stolen concert tickets were clearly marked “COMP,” which stands for “complimentary,” police said.


“Tickets with these numbers have been re-issued to the business and those will be legit tickets.” 

 “If anyone has purchased these complimentary tickets from an online site or anyone else, they’re asked to contact police.”

-Noreen Remtulla, a spokeswoman for the Edmonton Police Service.



*****Please, if you purchased a ticket online from a secondary source, reference the list of stolen tickets >>>here<<<*****


“If anyone is in possession of the stolen tickets, they will not work on concert night.”

-Det. Scott Gargan with Criminal Investigation Section at Southeast Division.



This morning we received a message from one of the unfortunate buys of the stolen tickets, who just found out none of his tickets will work this Friday.

Take a listen:


-The Pepper & Dylan Show


(picture from tapety)

Filed under: concert, Edmonton, Keith Urban, Rogers Place, Yeg