Just when you thought it wasn’t possible, Tinder has gotten creepier than your uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.




They have now developed an algorithm called Smart Photos that can detect which of your pictures are the most popular on your profile and show those pictures first.




As Gizmodo explains, “Tinder announced Smart Photos in a blog post this morning. In essence, it’s a toggle-on, toggle-off algorithm that switches up the photos on your profile to put the most popular ones first. It ‘continuously tests your profile photos for their success,’ which theoretically means that right swipe-worthy photos will come up more often.”




But it gets creepy when the app starts utilizing, “individual swiping patterns.” Which is, “basically the sad, 21st century equivalent of a fingerprint—so if your profile pops up for someone who always swipes left on people wearing hats, that sweet photo of you in your beanie probably won’t come up first for them.”




Dating in 2016 is just too much.


@IsTylerJordan ~

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