So I just realized for all 3 presidential debates, I took audio of Donald Trump and made him sound absolutely wasted!

EDIT** The first audio clip isn’t from a debate, but still funny!


Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube

Clip 1: “I Like Babies”

Play Pause

Make Donald Trump Drunk

Originally Aired: August 4, 2016

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube

Clip 2: “STAMINA”

Play Pause

LISTEN: Make Donald Trump Drunk Again…Again

Originally Aired: September 27, 2016

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube

Clip 3: “Bad Ombres”

Play Pause

Make Donald Trump Drunk 'Bad Ombres'

Originally Aired: October 20, 2016



Donald probably thinks this stuff is hilarious… right???

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube


@IsTylerJordan ~

tyler sig

Filed under: clinton, debate, Donald Trump, Drunk, hilary, lestor, trump